“Do Good and Be ‘Liked’”: CSR Messages on Social Media during COVID-19 Pandemic and Consumer Responses

This study examines CSR messages on social media during COVID-19, finding that employee-focused CSR drives highest engagement. Community-related and company statements enhance brand perception.

January 2024 · Ava Francesca Battocchio, Jing Yang, Chuqing Dong, Ebbe Bertellotti, Eunsin Joo, Camilla Teran

Effects of Transparent Brand Communication on Perceived Brand Authenticity and Consumer Responses

This study examines how brands’ transparent communication about production and costs affects consumers’ perceptions of transparency and authenticity. It finds that increased transparency enhances consumers’ attitudes, trust, and behavioral intentions, emphasizing the value of transparency in marketing.

January 2020 · Jing Yang, Ava Francesca Battocchio